Honest legal
advice you & your business can count on.

20 Years Experience

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Elizabeth W. Lawley, Attorney At Law

Elizabeth W. Lawley, Attorney At Law

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Experienced Carlsbad Attorney


At The Law Office of Elizabeth W. Lawley, we provide professional, personalized and experienced representation to businesses and individuals in a variety of practice areas.

Ms. Lawley is a seasoned trial lawyer, having prevailed in trial in numerous complex, six and seven figure cases.  Ms. Lawley also appreciates the value of reaching a favorable result through negotiation and mediation.   After nearly 20 years in civil litigation, Ms. Lawley has gained the experience necessary to evaluate each case, and determine a unique strategy tailored to cost effectively reach your goals. 


You Can’t Afford To Hire The Wrong Attorney

✓ 20 years of civil litigation experience

✓ Negotiation, mediation, & litigation…we’ll choose the right path for YOU!

✓ Free Consultations


Legal services that help you get your life back.


One-On-One Help

Legal help from an experienced attorney, not a paralegal or legal assitant.


Clear Communication

Get answers when you need them. Stay updated on your case on a weekly basis.


We’re All-In On Your Case

We don’t settle just to get your case over with. We don’t litigate just to drive up your legal bill. We do what’s best for you.

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How it Works


Meet with an attorney

Schedule a free consultation, via phone or in person, to discuss your legal need.


Create a plan together

Professional, personalized experience to evaluate your case and determine a unique strategy tailored to cost effectively reach your goals.


We get to work

After nearly 20 years in civil litigation, Ms. Lawley has gained the experience necessary to navigate the legal system to get the results you need.


We believe that the legal process shouldn’t be overwhelming.

Tell us your story. Get someone on your side. Schedule a free consultation.

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