General Counsel

Have a Business Lawyer on your side at all times.

Gain Peace of Mind & Be Free To Focus On Running Your Business! General Counsel For Small To Mid-Sized Businesses.

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Contract Negotiations

General Counsel law firm

Business Litigation

Regulatory Issues

Business Insurance


We get it, the legal process can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve helped hundreds of businesses navigate the system through affordable General Counsel.

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Serving the business community for 20 years

Ms. Lawley recognizes the need that small to mid sized businesses have for general counsel of their own, that is, one lawyer to understand and manage all of their legal needs.

Often small to mid-sized businesses find themselves a victims of their own success…

…With too many legal or quasi-legal matters to navigate, while at the same time running the business they have hard worked so hard to establish. 

As General Counsel, Ms. Lawley will get to know your business, and offer comprehensive analysis and advice on an ongoing, and as needed basis.  This will allow you to have the peace of mind to have a lawyer on your side, that knows your business , to call for experienced, reliable advice as issues arise.  You will be free to focus on running your business!

Whether you are dealing with:

  • Negotiating Contracts

  • Insurance

  • Regulatory issues

  • Managing Outside Attorneys Hired For A Limited Purpose

Ms. Lawley can relieve you of this frustrating burden by serving as General Counsel for your business. 


“Most businesses can not justify employing General Counsel as an ‘in-house’ position. That’s where we come in.”

-Elizabeth Lawley

Get the professional legal help you deserve.
